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About Your Referral

Your GP has REFERRED you to a hospital specialist for further investigation. The referrals are sent electronically from the surgery to the hospital once they have been typed up by the secretary.

Should you wish to know how long you will be waiting for an appointment then please ring the designated hospital in 4 weeks time. This gives the hospital the opportunity to get the hospital Consultants to review the referral and decide whether you need to be seen urgently or routinely. You will then be placed on the appropriate Waiting List for that specialty.

Please be aware that most NHS specialties have a waiting list from 10 – 30+ weeks for routine appointments. Should your appointment be on an urgent basis then you should expect an appointment within 6-8 weeks. If you have been referred regarding a suspected cancer then the wait time is approx 2-3 weeks.

If you feel that your symptoms have worsened since your GP appointment (the time of referral) you must state in writing, to the Medical Secretary in the first instance, why you feel you should be prioritised above other patients on the waiting list. This will then be forwarded on to the specialty whose waiting list you are on.

The telephone numbers laid out below are for your assistance.

If your referral went to Wrexham Maelor Hospital ring: 01978 291100 – ask for: New Patient Booking Centre - then tell them the specialty you have been referred to.

If your referral went to Ysbyty Glan Clwyd ring: 01745 583910 - ask for: New Patient Booking Centre - then tell them the specialty you have been referred to.

Our Buckley Surgery

Buckley Medical Centre Alltami Road
  • Telephone

  • E-Mail

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Our Mold Surgery

Glanrafon Medical Centre Glanrafon Road
  • Telephone

  • E-Mail

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Contact Us

  • 0345 900 7851

  • For all prescription enquiries please use the following email address:
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  • For all Administrative enquiries please use the following email address:
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  • For all private work enquiries please use the following email address:
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  • Please do not use this email for emergencies or clinical requests such as medication requests, changes or any test results.

Opening Hours

Buckley Medical Centre:
Monday - Friday:        8 am – 6.30 pm
Saturday - Sunday:    Closed

Glanrafon Medical Centre - Mold:
Monday - Friday:        8 am – 6.30 pm
Saturday - Sunday:    Closed