Children can now be booked into Flu Clinics:
Children ages 2 and 3 on 31/8/20 (birth dates between 1/9/16 and 31/8/18) will be vaccinated at the Practice.
All Primary School age children will be vaccinated at school by the school nursing team.
Any child with a Chronic condition eg Asthma, Diabetes etc up to and including the age of 17 can book their vaccination at the Practice.
Clinics are being held as follows:
For patients who have been SHIELDING:
Saturday 26/9 @ BUCKLEY
Monday 28/9 @ MOLD
Tuesday 29/9 @ MOLD
Saturday 3/10 @ MOLD
For Eligible patients who have NOT been Shielding:
Saturday 10/10 @ BUCKLEY
Saturday 24/10 @ BUCKLEY
Due to maintaining Social Distancing, the larger clinics (non-shielding patients) will need to be held at Buckley
To Book:
For those patients registered on My Health Online, please book online making sure you choose All available appointments and to show the whole of the month on the calendar for September and October.
Or call the practice number 0345 900 7851.
If you would like to register for MY Health Online you will need to follow the instructions on this website.
We will post further updates on here and our Facebook page.
Thank you/Diolch