Accessibility Tools

North Wales Population Needs Assessment

We want to hear from YOU – whatever your age!


North Wales Population Needs Assessment


Do you use or provide care and support services in North Wales? We would like to know what you think about the care and support available at the moment and how it could be improved.


If you would prefer to answer the questions over the phone, please contact Eluned Yaxley on 01824 712041. If you would like to contact us using a British Sign Language interpreter, you can do so using the InterpretersLive! service, provided by Sign Solutions.  Alternative versions in EasyRead and printable versions are also available for your convenience.


Please complete the survey by 11 October 2021.

Complete the online survey here:

North Wales Population Needs Assessment


With thanks for your co-operation.



Rydym eisiau clywed gennych CHI – beth bynnag eich oed!


Asesiad Anghenion Poblogaeth Gogledd Cymru


Ydych chi’n defnyddio neu ddarparu gwasanaethau gofal a chymorth yng Ngogledd Cymru? Fe hoffem ni gael gwybod eich barn chi am y gofal a’r cymorth sydd ar gael ar hyn o bryd, a sut y gellid ei wella.


Os byddai’n well gennych chi ateb y cwestiynau dros y ffôn, cysylltwch ag Eluned Yaxley ar 01824 712041. Os hoffech chi gysylltu â ni’n defnyddio dehonglydd Iaith Arwyddion Prydain, gallwch wneud hynny drwy ddefnyddio Gwasanaeth InterpretersLive!, a ddarperir gan Sign Solutions.  Darperir fersiynau drwy EasyRead; ac gellir ei argraffu hefyd er hwylustod i chi.


Fyddech chi cystal â llenwi’r arolwg erbyn 11 Hydref 2021.

Llenwch yr arolwg ar-lein yma:

Asesiad poblogaeth Gogledd Cymru


Gyda diolch am eich cyd-weithrediad.

Contact Us

  • 0345 900 7851

  • For all prescription enquiries please use the following email address:
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  • For all Administrative enquiries please use the following email address:
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  • For all private work enquiries please use the following email address:
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  • Please do not use this email for emergencies or clinical requests.

Opening Hours

Buckley Medical Centre:
Monday - Friday:        8 am – 6.30 pm
Saturday - Sunday:    Closed

Glanrafon Medical Centre - Mold:
Monday - Friday:        8 am – 6.30 pm
Saturday - Sunday:    Closed