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Our Nursing Team

All of our patients and Doctors are supported by a very experienced Nursing Team which comprises of Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Practice Nurses and Healthcare Assistants. They add a vital service to the practice and due to their commitment and experience can benefit each patient according to their needs.

Nurse Practitioners and Advanced Nurse Practitioners

These are very experienced Registered Nurses who have undertaken additional clinical training and academic qualifications, usually to a master’s degree for Advanced Nurse Practitioners.

They are able to examine, assess, make diagnoses, treat, prescribe and make referrals for patients who present with undiagnosed/undifferentiated problems. They work alongside GP colleagues, seeing patients autonomously.  As with their GP colleagues, they always have access to specialist advice when necessary.

Practice Nurses

Appointments with practice nurses vary from 5 to 30 minutes duration depending on the type of request presented. These appointments are booked in advance with the appropriately qualified Nurse available.

They will perform New patient check, Blood Pressure monitoring, Immunisations, Smear test, Contraceptive Advice etc. They also provide specialist advice on diabetes care, asthma, heart disease etc which are undertaken as an Annual Chronic Disease Review.

To assist the receptionists, it would be helpful to share the reason for your appointment to ensure you are booked with an appropriate clinician and allocated the correct amount of time.

Healthcare Assistants

Appointments with Healthcare Assistants also vary from 5 to 30 minutes duration depending on the type of request presented. These appointments are booked in advance. Our Healthcare Assistants carry out various injections, Blood Pressure monitoring and ECGs

Nurse Appointments and Clinics

These vary in type and duration; you will be advised of this when you book your appointment. You will also be advised if this is a telephone appointment or a face to face appointment.

Asthma Clinics

Our aim with all asthmatic patients is to give the best quality of life on the least medication. The practice likes to check all asthmatic patients at and Annual review and to monitor their asthmatic control and assess their inhaler technique.

Clinical Reviews

If your GP or Nurse has asked you to complete a Clinical Review in advance of your Annual Chronic Disease review, the following review questionnaires are now available on our Website with a link that will direct you to eConsult, we can text patients with links to complete each specific review:

  • Asthma
  • Diabetes
  • Hypertension (high blood pressure)
  • COPD
  • Thyroid
  • Contraceptive pill
  • HRT
  • Medication
  • Mental Health

Diabetic Clinics

The practice nurse likes to check all diabetic patients every 12 months as an Annual Review, to analyse blood sugar, blood pressure cholesterol and urine. Usually blood tests are arranged a week before the appointment with the nurse so that the result will be available at the diabetic check-up. You may be monitored more regularly if your medication has changed.

Family Planning & Cervical Smear Tests

Contraceptive Services

Every doctor and practice nurse are happy to discuss with you your family planning needs. You should check which doctor will provide the morning after pill. Please make an appointment in the usual way. You will find the Practice Nurse has more appointments available. We offer six monthly check-ups. In an emergency the practice will only issue a one-month prescription until you are seen.

Cervical Screening

Since 1st January 2022 The UK National Screening Committee has recommended that cervical screening programmes invite all people with a cervix, aged between 25 and 64 every 5 years once they have tested negative for HPV.

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that causes nearly all cases of cervical cancer. In 2018, Cervical Screening Wales introduced screening using HPV testing. This test is more effective at identifying people at higher risk of developing cell changes which can cause cervical cancer.

Evidence shows that it is safe to extend the time between cervical screening (smear) tests for people who do not have HPV. 

This change will apply to people whose next routine screening result shows that they do not have HPV. This means their risk of developing cervical cancer within the next 5 years is very low.

Cervical Screening Wales will contact you directly by letter when you are next due to book your appointment with us.

You will receive your results directly from the Cervical Cytology Department. However, if you do not hear from this organisation eight weeks from the date of the procedure please telephone the practice.

Breast Screening

The Practice recommends regular breast self-examinations. However, routine breast screening is available from a mobile unit when it is in our local area. This is organised by Breast Test Wales, who can be contacted on 01492 860888. All women aged 50 - 64 will be invited by letter every three years to attend for a mammogram.

Sexual Health Services: Wrexham & Flintshire Clinic

Current Clinic Timetable
Appointments line - 01978 727 197
Monday to Friday - 9.00am - 2.30pm for a telephone consultation with a nurse
Monday to Friday - 9.00am - 12.30pm for a telephone consultation with a doctor if you have symptoms.

Mirena Coil Clinics

We are pleased to offer our new Coil Clinics for all fitting and removal of Mirena Coils.

Please read the following information and contact Reception if you wish to book an appointment to discuss in more detail with our Well Woman Clinic GP.

Are you considering a new coil?

Please make sure you have considered your choice of contraception and whether you feel an IUD (Mirena coil) is suitable for you.

You may have been advised to have the IUD (Mirena) coil to try to help with heavy periods. This needs to have been discussed with a GP or gynaecologist who will have determined whether you need any blood tests or an ultrasound scan before recommending this.

If you have never had a baby, have only had babies by Caesarean section, or have had surgery to the cervix there is no reason for you not to have a coil but please arrange a telephone appointment with one of our doctors before booking a fitting.

If at this stage, you have further questions please do either arrange an appointment or book a phone call with our Well-woman GP Lead.

Changing your existing coil

If the previous coil fitting was straight forward you may book a coil change directly with reception. If you are having a change of coil please abstain from intercourse or use additional contraception for 7 days before the change.

Emergency Contraception

You may have been advised or chosen an IUD as emergency contraception. The IUD can be fitted up to 7 days after unprotected intercourse to prevent pregnancy.

If this is the case please phone to speak to your GP as soon as possible as the fitting will need to be arranged without delay.

The fitting appointment

Appointments are 30 minutes long. You will be seen by our Well Woman GP and a nurse in the ‘minor ops suite’. It is important that you feel as relaxed as possible. Please do not bring young children with you, although new babies in their car seats are manageable if this is unavoidable.

A vaginal swab test to check for infection may be taken at the time of fitting. You may choose to have a local anaesthetic to freeze the cervix.

Please allow at least 20 minutes after the appointment to sit and wait in reception before you leave and have to drive again. You may wish to take a painkiller such as paracetamol or ibuprofen 20 minutes before attending. You will be asked to sign a consent form before the fitting and the doctor will go through this with you to check that you are happy to go ahead.

Many people worry that it will be painful. The actual passing of the coil through the cervix into the womb may be painful but only takes a few seconds. You may have a slight period pain type feeling afterwards but this should be mild and quickly settle. You should be able to continue with your normal activities after the fitting.

Timing the appointment in your cycle.

An IUD can be fitted at anytime as long as you are certain you are not pregnant. You will be protected immediately.

An IUD can be fitted at anytime as long as you are certain you are not pregnant. If it is fitted in the first seven days of your cycle you are protected immediately. If it is fitted after this, you need additional contraception for 7 days.

If you have received a notification to say your smear test is due this can be done at the same appointment as your coiling fitting but please let us know.

Post-natal fitting

This needs to be at least 8 weeks after delivery.

After your appointment

You will need to have a routine appointment approximately 6 weeks after the fitting to check the coil is suiting you. At this appointment you will have an internal check to see that the threads from the coil are visible.

It is important that you check your threads are still in place after each period - this will be discussed at the fitting. However, it is still safe to use internal sanitary protection should you wish.

The IUD usually lasts 5 years but again may vary depending on the exact type used. If fitted after the age of 45 years it will last 7 to 10 years if used as part of hormone replacement

Problems with your coil

Serious complications of the coil are uncommon however it is important that you know what to do if you have a problem.

Severe pain after fitting or at any time associated with a heavy vaginal discharge, feeling ill or having a fever needs urgent assessment. A missed period with an IUD also needs urgent assessment.

If the coil comes out or if you cannot feel your threads, please use alternative contraception and make an appointment.

If you are not sure what to do please do phone the reception staff who will arrange for you to speak to our Well Woman GP for the best course of action to be decided.


These are available at both Buckley and Mold surgeries. You can book these appointments by ringing 0345 900 7854 and by stating the surgery of your choice.

Child Immunisations

These immunisations commence when your baby is eight weeks old. You should receive a reminder for this from the health authority. However if you feel your child is due for an immunisation, please do not hesitate to ask the practice nurse, health visitor or your doctor for advice. Please bear in mind that advice and guidance can sometimes change.
What is Diphtheria?
Diphtheria is a serious disease that usually begins with a sore throat and can quickly cause breathing problems. It can damage the heart and nervous system and, in severe cases it can kill.
What is Tetanus?
Tetanus is a disease affecting the nervous system which can lead to muscle spasms, cause breathing problems and can kill.
What is Pertussis (whooping cough)?
Whooping cough is a disease that can cause long bouts of coughing and choking making it hard to breathe. Babies under one year of age are most at risk from whooping cough. For these babies, the disease is very serious and can kill.
What is Polio?
Polio is a virus that attacks the nervous system which can cause permanent paralysis of muscles. If it affects the chest muscles or the brain, polio can kill.
What is HIB?
Hib is an infection caused by Haemophilus influenza type b bacteria. It can lead to a number of major illnesses such as blood poisoning (septicaemia), pneumonia and meningitis.
What is Pneumococcal infection?
Pneumococcal (pronounced new-mo.-cock-al) infection is one of the commonest causes of meningitis but it also causes ear infections (otitis media), pneumonia and some other serious illnesses.
What is Meningitis C Vaccine (MenC)?
Your baby should be immunised with MenC vaccine when they are three months old, and again at four months old. This vaccine protects against meningitis and septicaemia (blood poisoning) caused by 'meningococcal group C' bacteria. Before the vaccine was introduced, this disease caused about 1500 cases and 150 deaths each year.
What is Measles?
Measles is caused by a very infectious virus. Nearly everyone who catches it will have a high fever, rash and generally unwell. The complications include chest infections, fits, encephalitis (swelling of the brain), and brain damage. In very serious cases, measles kills.
What is Mumps?
Mumps is caused by a virus which can lead to fever, headache, and painful, swollen glands in the face, neck and jaw. It can result in permanent deafness, viral meningitis (infection of the lining of the brain) and encephalitis (swelling of the brain).
What is Rubella?
Rubella (German measles) is a disease caused by a virus. Rubella is very serious for unborn babies. It can seriously damage their sight, hearing, heart and brain.
What is HPV?
Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a very common cause of infection but usually causes no symptoms. However, some types of HPV can lead to cervical cancer developing over many years.

Adult Immunisations

These are available by appointment usually with the practice nurse.

Flu and Covid Clinics

Stop the Spread this Winter.

Some patients (especially over 65's) are advised to have a flu injection every year. The flu vaccination is also recommended for patients with Chronic diseases such as diabetics, Copd, asthmatics and those suffering from chronic heart disease and renal failure, of any age.

Since the Covid Pandemic, we have been running Covid vacciination clinics alongside our Flu Vaccination Clinics.  

These clinics are run every year from September onwards (depending on availability of vaccine stock) and are widely advertised on our Website and also our Facebook page

Pneumonia Vaccinations

A Pneumovac immunisations is also recommended for patients in these categories - this is a once-only vaccine to protect against streptococcal pneumoniae infections.

Shingles Vaccinations

Maternity Services

These are provided by the Community Midwives (see Community Nursing Services) but as a practice we are responsible for vaccinating Pregnant ladies against Flu and Whooping Cough. 

New Patient Checks

If you are a new patient at the practice and you would like to be reviewed this can be arranged by booking an appointment. You will have your Height, Weight and Blood Pressure checked. It is advisable if you bring a list of your repeat medications and a urine sample with you.

Testing Services

How to Book a Blood Test and Test Results

It is recommended that you have your blood taken when advised by a doctor or a nurse at the phlebotomy clinics which you are available to book at Buckley Health Centre and at Mold Community Hospital. Please contact the receptionist for your blood form when you are due to visit the phlebotomy clinic, which you can collect on the way to your appointment. To book your blood test please follow this guide:

From 29th September 2021 GP phlebotomy appointments can be booked using the new online appointment system.

In exceptional cases, the doctor or nurse will also be able to provide this service.

Please note, you do NOT have to contact us for your test results - We will contact you directly if necessary.

ECG Testing

This service is provided for patients at the surgery and involves measuring heart activity. This is carried out by the practice nurses and healthcare assistants, only at the request of the GP.

Travel Vaccinations

The following travel vaccines are available free on the NHS:

  • Polio
  • Typhoid
  • Hepatitis A
  • Cholera
  • MMR

Any other vaccines for travel will have to be obtained from a Private Clinic. Please make an appointment with the practice nurse if you are planning foreign travel, whereby you have been advised to have vaccinations. Prior to your appointment please complete the online travel vaccination form which the practice nurse can refer to.

Please book this appointment at least 6 weeks before you travel.

Community Nursing Team

There is a large Community Team of Nurses comprising of Midwives, District Nurses and Health Visitors. They are employed by the Local Health Board and within the teams, some of these are allocated to work with our patients.

Community Midwives

The Midwives work with the doctors to care for the mother before, during and after delivery. Antenatal clinics are by appointment only. In an emergency please call 999 or the labour ward of whichever hospital you are due to deliver at. Non-emergency calls should be directed to the midwife team on 03000 859567.

Community (District) Nurses

Our Community Nurses have a wide range of responsibilities and experience in providing general nursing care in the community. If you are housebound, you will need a referral from the doctor to request their service. If you are living in Mold and surrounding area you will need to contact the Mold District Nurses on 03000 859859. If you are living in Buckley and surrounding area you will need to contact Buckley District Nurses on 03000 859576.

Health Visitors

A Health Visitor is a registered nurse who has received training particularly related to babies, children and pregnant women. Their role is to provide families with children under five years old with support and advice around the general aspects of mental, physical and social wellbeing. They can be contacted at 03000 859565.

Other Community Services

There are other services which our patients might need to access from time to time which are provided by the Local Health Board through the Community Teams.

E.g. Ear syringing and Dressing Clinics For information regarding this please call Mold Community Hospital 03000 850047

Other Services

Minor Operations

Minor surgical procedures can be arranged at the surgery after an initial consultation with your doctor. Examples include the removal of cysts, skin lesions, skin lumps, joint injections etc. Please contact us to find out which Doctors offer this service.

Audiology GP Service

The GP based Audiology service is for people who are experiencing difficulty with their hearing or bothersome tinnitus (noises in your ears) but do not have an NHS hearing aid. If you have an NHS hearing aid and feel that your hearing has changed, or you are having difficulty with your hearing aid/s or troubled by tinnitus symptoms, please contact your local Audiology department. If you have moved to the area and were issued with an NHS hearing aid from another service, you can contact the local Audiology department to register your details. You do not need to contact your GP service.  

The GP based Audiology Service can see patients aged 5 years and over as long as there are no current ear health issues at the time of the appointment such as an ear infection. These require medical assessment and should be seen by the Practice Nurse or GP. If the problem is caused by wax blocking the ear canal there are options to treat this. Find out more information about how to manage a build up of earwax

The GP based Audiology Service can also assess and treat adult patients with a very common balance condition which results in short lived episodes of spinning when the head is moved in certain positions. If the spinning sensation (known as vertigo) goes on for longer than a few minutes it may be more appropriate to see your GP first.

Non-NHS Services

Why do GP's charge fees?

The NHS provides healthcare to their patients free of charge via our GP practice. There are private services which GPs are asked to provide by other agencies, or their patients and we can be asked to provide these services. We obviously try to provide these services when appropriate but prioritise our clinical NHS work.

Examples of non-NHS services for which GP’s can charge their patients:

  • Private Medical Insurance Reports;
  • Holiday Cancellation Forms.
  • Letters requested by, or on behalf of the patients e.g. Fit to Fly, Court Appearances Fitness to Work Forms (in certain circumstances)
  • Medicals for pre-employments, sports and driving requirements – HGV, PSV etc
  • Insurance Claim Forms
  • Private Prescriptions
  • Private Sick Notes
  • Vaccination Certificates

Firearms Forms Blue Badge applications – Flintshire County Council has told the practice that GP letters are not necessary or taken into consideration, we therefore do not provide this service for applications. Supporting letters from the patient’s hospital consultant may be applicable in some circumstances – please contact your consultants secretary for information.

Other requests/service may be available, please email the practice for the attention of the Practice Secretary for advice.

Time frame for non-NHS work

When a doctor signs a certificate or completes a report, it is a condition of remaining on the Medical Register that they only sign what they know to be true. Therefore, in order to complete even the simplest of forms, the doctor needs to check the patient’s entire record. Carelessness or an inaccurate report can have serious consequences for the doctor, with the General Medical Council or even the Police.

Please note, we do not validate/certify Passport or Driving Licence applications due to the personal knowledge required to provide this service.

Time spent completing forms and preparing reports takes the GP away from the medical care of his/her patients. Most GPs have a very heavy workload and paperwork takes up an increasing amount of their time.

In addition non-NHS work must be undertaken outside of NHS contracted time. Please note that it can take up to 28 days to complete these reports. Please note that Private work is only undertaken by 4 of the GP’s in our practice, this can sometimes result in a longer wait for a completed report.

Forms/Requests can be submitted dropping them off at reception – please mark this for the attention of the practice secretary who will then action appropriately. You may need to pay a deposit or pay in full, please note we only accept Cash or Cheque.

Prices can be obtained on receipt of the request.

Private Treatment

If you have had an NHS referral for Secondary care and you have taken the decision to be treated privately instead, we can provide a referral letter for the hospital of your choice. There is no charge for this.

Please contact the practice secretary for this, you can email or complete an eConsult for this. Please note the referral has been made on the understanding that any private prescriptions issued, or tests suggested during the private consultation will be the responsibility of the patient to pay privately for.

We do not have the capacity to provide free NHS medication and/or tests as a result of the private treatment.

Contact Us

  • 0345 900 7851

  • For all prescription enquiries please use the following email address:
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  • For all Administrative enquiries please use the following email address:
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  • For all private work enquiries please use the following email address:
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  • Please do not use this email for emergencies or clinical requests such as medication requests, changes or any test results.

Opening Hours

Buckley Medical Centre:
Monday - Friday:        8 am – 6.30 pm
Saturday - Sunday:    Closed

Glanrafon Medical Centre - Mold:
Monday - Friday:        8 am – 6.30 pm
Saturday - Sunday:    Closed